Yes to order at carhatke for any product we recommend to you first register your account with the right information especially your phone number and email id.
At carhatke, we accept both payment method prepaid and COD (cash on delivery). COD option availability depends on the product value, product type and your area pin code. All prepaid payments securely pass through the payment gateway. does not have access to any credit card information. The following forms of payment are accepted. Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and some Wallet. EMI option is also available at carhatke.
At Carhatke we use both shipping services by Air and By Road, depend on the product size if the product is too large and heavy then it will be ship through by road service and if product size is small and lightweight then it will be ship through by air service.
Ship by Road or Surface Mode takes some extra time to deliver. it Takes 4-5 Days normally.
All orders ship through courier services, FedEx, Delhivery, Xpressbees, Bluedart. depend on your area pin code.
Its depend on the shipping method if your order ship through by air it will take 3-4 days to deliver however in some cases product is not available then it takes 1-day extra time process the order.
If your order ships through by road or surface model then it will 6-7 days.
The maximum time to deliver your order is 15 days.